Monthly Archives: March 2020

Medieval History Geek on Hiatus

I think it’s time for me to finally admit the obvious and state that this blog is officially dormant for the time being. I still check it regularly and reply to comments as they come in. I am still reading Medieval History. I continue to be fascinated with it and am still on the evolution of Christianity though I am just past the transition from it being something of a philosophical branch to its being concerned with what I would call “right belief” – at this time I’m going through Chalcedon and the Origen controversy.

The reason? In 2014 my job changed. It was a promotion but I am now head of an office. I did not know at the time that the piece of my life I’d sacrifice would be blogging but it is.

I know I’m a bit slow but still I apologize for waiting four years to put this up. I have quite a few draft posts I started and then just never had the time to finish. I kept hoping I’d figure out how to free the time up to spend 4-6 hours a week putting quality stuff together. It hasn’t happened.

I still have hopes of becoming an active blogger again but now think it will have to wait until I retire which will be a few years off. However since this site is still getting regular hits I want to put this announcement up.

I will continue to check the site regularly and reply to comments. And I am still reading – this Medieval History stuff is great!


Posted by on March 15, 2020 in Uncategorized

